Greetings from Women’s Hospital

Team 1

Biodesign Team 1 spent one month, March - April 2019, in the HUS (Hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa) Women’s Hospital.  Women’s Hospital provides demanding specialist medical care for women and newborn babies. Biodesign team observed a wide variety of medical care units including Fetomaternal Medical Centre, Maternity Ward, Antenatal Ward, Labor Ward, Reproductive Medicine Unit, Gynecological Ward, and Operating and Anesthesia Unit.

At the care units we observed the care processes, operations, devices, environment and tried to identify pain points, problems, and challenges. Typically we spent 2-3 days at each unit and one or two more days at the areas requiring more observations and analysis.  Weeks also included countless discussions with patients, experts and professionals.

Overall we found approx. 200 needs that could be potentially be a starting points for developing commercial products. There was a variation between the observations - ranging from needs that relate to giving birth; to ways to improve communication within the hospital. All the observations will be analyzed during the spring.

Now eagerly towards for the next phase of the project!

Biodesign Finland 2019 Team 1

Eija Raussi-Lehto

Jani Kuula

Jaakko Vallila